New MHA WebsiteThe Mormon History Association first inaugurated a website in 2001. After much discussion, the MHA Board of Directors recently authorized a new website, along with a new logo, to better serve MHA members in the future. While a number of individuals have advanced the idea of a website with greater functionality, Jenny Reeder, a Board member at the time, along with Christopher Jones, now a Board member, initiated work on the new site. Soon MHA member and web-designer Dave Golding executed a proposal for the website, including the new logo. For a time, the new website will utilize several functions of the old website until financial processes have been established for membership and conference registration. As the website expands and offers more services to MHA members, we will keep our members posted. The website will be available after February 1, 2012. Please visit www.mormonhistoryassociation.org and let us know what you think.New MHA LogoThe MHA Board of Directors, on January 10, 2012, adopted a new logo for the organization, as exhibited on the Newsletter masthead. After hearing comments from MHA members and others in the past, the Board concluded that it was time for a change. Numerous ideas and proposals were entertained by the Board before they made the final decision. Please let us know what you think of the new logo design.
As one of those deeply involved in the process throughout, I’m quite pleased with the new site and its improved design and user-friendliness. Dave Golding deserves much credit, as does Jenny Reeder who initiated the process. Ron and Marilyn Barney, who worked closely with Dave in updating and transferring the information from the old site to the new, deserve special mention. In the future, additional features will be added to the site, including free audio recordings of the papers and panels at MHA’s Annual Conferences.*
But the website is only one manifestation of a renewed commitment by MHA’s leadership to increasing and improving the Association’s online presence. In addition to the website, a new facebook page has been created, where users can “like” the page and keep up with the Association’s latest news, updates, and more information. There’s also a twitter account (@MormonHistAssoc) for those of you who tweet. At this year’s conference in Calgary, we’ll make sure an appropriate #hashtag is announced for those who wish to live tweet the conference. Finally, for student members of the Mormon History Association, please consider joining the newly-revamped facebook group, where you can ask questions, discuss issues affecting student involvement in MHA, and put out queries about panel proposals for future conferences.
*We encourage all to update their bookmarks. For the time being, the old website (mhahome.org) is still up. In the coming days, it will begin redirecting to the new site (mormonhistoryassociation.org).
Kudos to Dave, Jenny, Chris, Ron, Marilyn, and everyone else involved. This is a fantastic new website, and I love the new logo.
Comment by Ben P — February 17, 2012 @ 12:53 pm
Good work Chris.
Comment by Steve Fleming — February 17, 2012 @ 3:53 pm
Fabulous! I feel like a new woman!
Comment by Tod Robbins — February 17, 2012 @ 5:47 pm
Nice work, Chris. The logo is infinitely better.
Comment by Ryan T. — February 17, 2012 @ 6:23 pm
Comment by smb — February 18, 2012 @ 10:36 am
It looks so good, Chris!
Comment by Liz — February 18, 2012 @ 11:08 am
This is fabulous, Chris. Love the website and love the new logo. Long overdue. Thanks to all for the hard work and vision to make it happen.
Comment by Jared T — February 18, 2012 @ 12:12 pm
Very nice, Chris and Dave.
Comment by David G. — February 18, 2012 @ 1:47 pm
I am just excited that the MHC annual session is in Calgary this year which means I can go.
Comment by Jon W — February 19, 2012 @ 1:11 am
[…] Body Project:Ben P: Avoiding Intellectual Paralysis, PartArdis S.: The Mormon Body Project:Jon W: Announcing the Mormon HistoryDavid G.: Announcing the Mormon HistoryJared T: The Mormon Body Project:Jared T: Announcing the […]
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