Summary of the 30th Anniversary Priesthood Commemoration held June 8, 2008 at the Tabernacle

By June 9, 2008

This meeting at the Tabernacle commemorated the 30th anniversary of the revelation on priesthood, which extended the blessings thereof to all worthy males.

Elder Earl C. Tingey presided at this commemoration. Elder Sheldon Child was seated with him, also Elder LeGrand Curtis, an area authority.

Elder Tingey spoke briefly by way of introduction. He said, “We look forward to the day when all men & women of the earth are seen only as God’s children.”

After a hymn, Pres. Fred. A. Parker III, Stake President of the Atlanta Stake spoke. His was a fairly traditional talk about the priesthood. He emphasized the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood and following the prophet, stating generally that many lives had been changed since the June 8, 1978 revelation. He also made reference to Doctrine and Covenants 121:41-46 and the righteous use of priesthood.

He began to speak about how he had been asked many times why blacks had not been able to receive the priesthood. He said, paraphrasing, that Heavenly Father knows best and that we should be content to know that even though he may not give us a satisfying answer, that, in the words of King Benjamin, we should believe in God and believe that he has all wisdom and all power. [Paraphrasing] I don’t feel it necessary to know all God’s dealings, to know all God’s doings. It’s not necessary to understand all his thoughts. I don’t limit my faith by what I don’t understand. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. How foolish to say that because I don’t understand some things, that the workings of the Spirit are any less real. The doctrines are real, the BoM, D&C, & P of GP are true. I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. Today we have a living prophet, even Thomas S. Monson who councils us in divine wisdom. I know my redeemer lives. He is my exemplar, teacher, savior, my God & my King. I pray we will take literally his invitation. To everything there is a season. Brethren of the priesthood, our season is now, our Heavenly Father knows best.

Then there was an awesome solo rendition of “How Great Thou Art” by Alex Boye’. This number alone was worth the 45 minute drive.

Then Sister Catherine Stokes spoke. She spoke of the “long awaited day” of the revelation and quoted Bruce R. McConkie’s talk at BYU after the revelation was given which says, in effect, forget what I and what others have said about why blacks could not receive the priesthood, we spoke with a limited knowledge back then. In preparing her remarks, she had asked some friends what impact the revelation had had on them. She recounted that one of her friends who worked with inner city youth had noticed extraordinary progress with personal bridges being built between the races and how the Church provided many opportunities for interracial relations. The second friend, she noted, told her that she used to get angry when someone would dwell on the “debunked” less valiant theory or the Lamanite curse. Then she moved to a place where the Mormons were not as given to these beliefs.

She went on, “As I observe what the Church does, I know I’m in the right place. Indeed, this is the place.” As when the revelation was first announced, some rejected it. Some prefer to hold on to the statements of the past. Quoting Elder McConkie again, “It’s time…to forget what I said…” We need to help others who lack understanding in this matter and help them to come unto Christ. Quoted 3rd Nephi, “Love your enemies…” Since coming to this land in chains, the blessing of forgiving allowed us to survive. There are approximately 1 million black members of the Church.

She ended by quoting the words to the song, “Faith in Every Footstep”.

Ahmad Corbitt, President of the New Jersey Cherry Hill Stake then spoke. He read a portion of the Official Declaration. His remarks focused on how the youth should be raised. That they should be taught that God loves them unquestionably. We are followers of a living Prophet. His remarks then focused on the concept of unity. He spoke about how his patriarchal blessing told him he would be a teacher in the church among “your people”. He thought he’d be sent on a mission to the inner city. His call? Latin America-Spanish Speaking! He thought his teaching among his people would be put on hold. However, when he left Latin America, in tears, his heart was with the Latins. “Latinos are my people.”

He has served 15 years in stake callings in a mostly white stake. “Whites, I came to learn, are my people.” There were a number of Polynesians in his stake. Polynesians are his people, Asians are his people. “As we seek unity we are truly one in the Lord.”

Another stirring solo was sung by Boye’: “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.”

Then a short video played with interviews from, amongst others, Darius Gray. The vignettes focused on how lives had been personally affected by the revelation.

Elder Tingey introduced Elder Child.

Elder Child recounted very briefly the history of the Genesis group. He quoted Nephi’s prophecy that the Gospel would go to all nations and kindreds and how we had seen the fulfillment of the promise. He recounted his feelings and tears upon learning of the revelation on the radio. He then spoke of his experience presiding over the New York, New York mission and the diversity evident there. He told the story of one Lorenzo Davis, a black man who was a branch president on Staten Island. He had a vision of missionary work, and with the branch members, would stand outside the church building and invite passers by to come in and worship with them. Soon the little branch grew strong. He then recounted some experiences of some of the pioneering members of the church in Africa where he also presided for a time. “There are no more strangers and foreigners…”

Going into this, I was interested in how the “folklore” would be treated. If it would be repudiated at least as strongly as it had been by Elder Holland in the PBS documentary. Except for Sister Stokes quoting a friend talking about “the debunked” less valiant theory, and a possible reference in the video citing “old stereotypes”, there was no further mentioning of that “folklore”. Going into it, I didn’t have any expectations about how the program would deal with the “Why” of the ban [my word, “ban” was not used in the program]. The answer by the second speaker was an unmistakable, We don’t know, that’s in the past, God knows best, let’s get on with it. Another thing I found interesting was the emphasis on the revelation as a fulfillment of the prophecies about the gospel going to every nation, black and white, bond and free. Some may say that those prophecies might have been fulfilled without the ban and its lifting. By emphasizing fulfillment, however, the implication is that though we don’t know why it was in place, the ban was of God. It was a program rich in personal feeling and passion for the shared principles of the Gospel.


  1. I believe the man who served a mission in Latin America was Ahmad Corbitt, president of the New Jersey Cherry Hill Stake.

    Catherine Stokes was the sister who spoke. Alex Boye’ was the one who sang.

    Comment by Justin — June 9, 2008 @ 6:44 am

  2. Thanks for the summary.

    Comment by Edje — June 9, 2008 @ 7:45 am

  3. Thank you, Justin. I have filled in that information.

    Comment by Jared T — June 9, 2008 @ 8:15 am

  4. I used to hometeach Cathy Stokes before she moved to Utah in the last two years. She’s a firebrand, really really great, common sense LDS. Gives a great morality talk too 😉

    Comment by Ben — June 9, 2008 @ 8:56 am

  5. The next speaker [whose name I did not note] began to speak…

    This was still Pres. Parker.

    Comment by Margaret Young — June 9, 2008 @ 9:46 am

  6. Thank you, Margaret. I didn’t think there was another speaker in there, but my notes were not clear on that.

    Do you know how the program was put together? Who orchestrated it? How much input Genesis had? Etc.

    How did you like the program?

    Comment by Jared T — June 9, 2008 @ 9:53 am

  7. Alex Boye’s rendition of “How Great Thou Art” was the definite highlight of the evening: powerful! Definitely one of the most soul-filled performances to take place in the tabernacle, I’d imagine. It was very moving.

    Comment by stan — June 9, 2008 @ 10:20 am

  8. Thanks for the summary, Jared. And I’m with Stan … the How Great Thou Art solo was very moving and powerful.

    Comment by Christopher — June 9, 2008 @ 12:13 pm

  9. Tony Parker rocks. Anyone know when will the commemoration be broadcast on BYUTV and put on the web?

    Comment by Randy B. — June 9, 2008 @ 12:13 pm

  10. Thanks Jared for the fine summary. Overall, I enjoyed the commemoration and was glad that the Church did something on that level to acknowledge the anniversary. I of course would have loved to have had a member of the 12 or FP there, as well as more discussion of the “folklore” and the ban itself. But I was touched by the emphasis on the impact the revelation has had on personal lives and Alex’s performances were indeed moving. And it’s always a highlight to chat (albeit briefly) with Margaret and Darius.

    Comment by David G. — June 9, 2008 @ 12:35 pm

  11. Does anyone have any information on why President Monson and President Packer ended up not participating last night? My understanding is that they were both penciled in to speak/preside at the commemoration, but a week or two before, a decision was made to not include them.

    Comment by Christopher — June 9, 2008 @ 12:43 pm

  12. I was at a meeting on Saturday with Church Public Affairs and saw the program outline. Genesis had no input at all. “The Church” put the program together, but I don’t know what group of people chose the speakers/music. (Both of the African American stake presidents were speakers. I hope that by the time we celebrate the 35th anniversary, there are many more African American SPs as well as members of the Seventy–and, oh yes, someone of color in the Quorum of the Twelve.)

    On Saturday, I asked a member of PA if somebody had requested that there be no spirituals sung, and was told that no such request had been made. I understand that use of any particular arrangement of a spiritual would have involved copyright issues. But Alex’s performance of “How Great Thou Art” had SOUL, didn’t it.

    As for my feelings about the program, read David’s #10. Ditto. (Except it’s no big deal for me to talk to myself or to Darius.) I had friends come to town from all over (Gene Orr in particular), and it was a joy to be with them.

    At the end of Passover, Jews say, “Next year in Jerusalem!” We have not yet reached the Promised Land, but I’ll keep remembering how far we’ve come, and keep faith that “next year” will bring even greater unity and reconciliation.

    Comment by Margaret Young — June 9, 2008 @ 12:51 pm

  13. A friend that works at the Church told me that the Church’s PR Department (Mr. Tuttle, no doubt) said that the announcement was made too far in advance, and, as speaking engagements often change quickly, both of them were changed to other locations.

    Comment by David G. — June 9, 2008 @ 12:52 pm

  14. Christopher–interesting use of passive voice: “A decision was made not to include them.”

    I’ve been told three separate “reasons.” I have decided not to share them. The fact is, you are right. They were scheduled to be present, to speak, to preside, etc. And the fact is, they were not there.

    Comment by Margaret Young — June 9, 2008 @ 12:53 pm

  15. Margaret, I intentionally used the passive voice so as not to place blame at anyone’s feet in particular (because I know nothing about whose decision it was). It would have been wonderful to have them present, especially since they were both present for the revelatory experience in 1978.

    Comment by Christopher — June 9, 2008 @ 1:08 pm

  16. Margaret,
    I hear your film will be shown in Oakland Sunday. Can I get the specifics please?

    Comment by mmiles — June 9, 2008 @ 1:08 pm

  17. The solos were the highlights for me.

    Comment by BHodges — June 9, 2008 @ 1:13 pm

  18. Mmiles–we tried calling Ron McClain from the tabernacle last night to get the time. (He’ll be our host in Oakland.) We failed to reach him. Sterling Stevensen said to call the Oakland Visitors’ Center and ask them. (It’s either at 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.–and I’m guessing 7:00 pm.) Let me know if you aren’t able to get the information. You can e-mail me at BYU.

    Comment by Margaret Young — June 9, 2008 @ 1:33 pm

  19. […] 9, 2008 by Todd Wood 1.  Jared gave a summary of the 30th anniversary priesthood […]

    Pingback by Bloggernacle has begun a sizzling summer « Heart Issues for LDS — June 9, 2008 @ 10:40 pm

  20. Here’s a link to the view shown at the fireside:

    He Inviteth Us All

    Comment by Justin — June 12, 2008 @ 12:07 pm

  21. Err, video.

    Comment by Justin — June 12, 2008 @ 12:08 pm

  22. Blocked by BYU!

    Comment by David G. — June 12, 2008 @ 12:31 pm

  23. The church website also has the video. (I hope that BYU doesn’t block

    Comment by Justin — June 12, 2008 @ 1:30 pm

  24. Haha, not blocked at BYU if your office happens to be in the testing center!

    Comment by Christopher — June 12, 2008 @ 2:06 pm

  25. “We look forward to the day when all men & women of the earth are seen only as God?s children.?

    All I have to say is: “Innnnnteresting…gender…”

    Comment by Heidi — June 23, 2008 @ 4:09 pm

  26. I want to thank the black members of the church for your faith in our Heavenly Father and the gospel. You may not realize that your example is a light to many, and not just black members. I have been an active member of the LDS church all my life, raised in Provo Utah, where I have also raised my family. The last year has been very hard for me, and I have suffered greatly because of loved one’s choices. My faith has been tested beyond anything I ever imagined, and I have shed many anguished tears asking for blessings that don’t seem to come, at least the way I expect them.

    I was so blessed to see the program commemorating the 30 year anniversary of the priesthood being restored to all worthy men. It touched my heart and reminded me of the powerful influence that enduring faith, patience, and long-suffering have on the shaping of our character and soul. Whether we suffer individually, as a race, as a people, or as a human family, we can find comfort in the example of those who have endured well and had “faith in every footstep”. Your example of unconditional faith has helped me “hold to the iron rod” at a time when it would have been very easy to let go. Thank you!

    Comment by Tamara Lawrence — June 29, 2008 @ 2:37 am

  27. […] ?Tamners Goes to Washington? Bryce?s Wall-e post Jared T. ?Summary of the 30th Anniversary Priesthood Commemoration held June 8, 2008 at the Tabernacle? Matt B.’s incisive piece of social analysis about Utah and the greatest sport on […]

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