Posts You Might Have Missed, 2009: Mormon Conference and Event Reports

By January 19, 2010

See also PYMHM, 2009: Historical Posts, Part 1.

In bringing you conference coverage, aside from the efforts of various JI permas, we often benefited from friends such as Brent Brizzi and Trevor Holyoak who were kind enough to share their notes for posting on the JI. I’m proud to say that we often posted fuller notes than any competing reports, often posted them more quickly, and covered more events than just about anyone. One reporter, upon meeting me at one of these events said, playfully, “Oh, I hate you guys, you’ll probably have your stuff up tonight, won’t you?” I answered, “Probably.”

Lecture Notes: Underwood on the Book of Commandments and Revelations (New Manuscript Volume)

Notes on the Preserving Church History Symposium at BYU

Curt Bench Discusses The Parallel Book of Mormon at Benchmark Books

Notes From the 6th Annual A. Dean Larsen Book Collecting Conference at BYU

Transcript of the Mountain Meadows Massacre Panel at UVU: Turley and Bagley and Cuch, OH MY!

Mormonism in the Public Mind: Perceptions of an Emerging World Faith, April 2, 2009 (Day 1)

Mormonism in the Public Mind: Perceptions of an Emerging World Faith, April 3, 2009 (Day 2

Kristine Haglund-Arrested Development: Mormon Independent Publishing in the Age of the Blog

The 2009 Mormon History Association Annual Conference: Notes From Day 1

The Lost Notes From the 2009 Mormon History Association Conference

Ben and I tag teamed to take notes on each of the sessions of the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU. By trading off, we were able to post the notes within 10-20 minutes of the end of each lecture. Bam!

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Introductory Remarks by Elder Cecil Samuelson

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Terryl Givens, ?Contexts for an LDS Temple Theology?

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Richard A. Cohen, ?Place, Sacred Space, and Utopia?

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Jeanne Halgren Kilde, Sacred Space, and Architecture

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Hamid Mavani, ??The Prophet Muhammad: ?The Whole Earth is a Mosque (masjid) and is Sacred??

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Michael Fishbane, ?Sacred Space and Divine Presence in the Hebrew Bible?

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Steve Olsen, ?The Mormon Quest for Zion?

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Laurie Maffly-Kipp, ?The Clock and the Compass: Steering Toward Zion?

Notes From the Sacred Space Symposium at BYU: Panel Discussion featuring Richard Bushman

Matt B. provided this excellent reflection on the conference: Sacred Space at BYU, June 3, 2009: Conference and metaconference

And Jeanne Kilde guest posted about the conference afterward: Guest Post: Jeanne Halgren Kilde on Sacred Space at BYU

CESNUR came to Salt Lake:

Notes From The CESNUR Conference at Salt Lake City Hall: Michael Homer

Notes From The CESNUR Conference at the Salt Lake City Hall: Massimo Introvigne, ?New/Old Mormon Family Values: Italian Reactions to Big Love and Twilight?

Notes From The CESNUR Conference: Elder Robert S. Wood (Second Quorum of the Seventy, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Notes from the CESNUR Conference: Iain Irving, ?Modernity, Postmodernity, and Mormonism?

Notes from the CESNUR Conference: Rick Phillips, ?Mormon Religiousness and the Enduring Significance of ?Gathered? Communities?

Read about the notes that almost never happened: Notes From The Dedication of the Church History Library, June 20, 2009

We generated a little controversy (also some behind the scenes…shhhh) with notes from the FAIR conference: Notes From the FAIR Conference: Robert White and Ron Barney

Concurrent with the FAIR conference, just down the hall in the Sandy Convention Center was the Annual Eborn Book Event:

Notes From The 2nd Annual Eborn Book Event: Brent Ashworth and Harvard Heath on the Recently Discovered McLellin Manuscript

Notes From The 2nd Annual Eborn Book Event: Dennis Horne on Abraham Cannon and Other Projects

From Sunstone: Notes on The Mormon Publishing Panel at the 2009 Sunstone Symposium, Featuring Jana Riess, Tom Kimball, Greg Kofford, and Chris Bigelow

Brian Birch and Phil Barlow were kind enough to guest blog their prepared remarks from the Religious Studies/Mormon Studies: An Informal Discussion at the U of U.

Philip Barlow on Mormon Studies in Relation to the Liberal Arts

Brian Birch-The Awkwardness of Mormonism and its Place in Religious Studies

Speaking of Brian Birch, he and Boyd Petersen put on the UVU Mormon Studies Conference. Here are my notes from some of the sessions:

UVU Mormon Studies Conference: Brian Birch, Opening Remarks and Conference Overview

Notes from the UVU Mormon Studies Conference, Day 1, part 1

Notes From the UVU Mormon Studies Conference: Day 1, Part 2?Armand Mauss

Here are notes to probably the most enjoyable Mormon Studies event I attended in 2009, no joke: Notes From A Celebration of Eliza R. Snow: The Complete Poetry with Jill Derr and Karen Davidson

Finally, the newly formed Mormon Studies Student Association had its first lecture, by Kristine Haglund, and Kristine was kind enough to share a version of her remarks with the SLMSSA site and the JI: Kristine Haglund: ?Every Member An Historian?, Remarks From the SLMSSA December Lecture

Holy Cow, that’s a lot of conference-ing. I hope that the efforts, which often were often painstaking and time consuming, were beneficial.

Article filed under Announcements and Events


  1. Seeing all this together reminds me how great this blog is. Content-R-Us.

    Comment by J. Stapley — January 19, 2010 @ 11:29 am

  2. This really is amazing. Since you did the vast majority of these posts, I tip my hat to you, Jared.

    Comment by David G. — January 19, 2010 @ 4:45 pm

  3. Thanks J and David. My favorite is still the Notes on the Dedication of the Church History Library.

    What I didn’t mention originally in the opening story for those notes was that we were seated on the last row of chairs just inside the building doors in the foyer, not inside the library proper. However, in an apparent attempt to fill up empty space inside the library room, those on the last rows were moved to the inside where the apostles and VIPs were sitting. I felt almost embarrassed to be passing by a lot of faithful employees who deserved to be in that room a lot more than me, but thankful all the same. It was a fantastic experience.

    Comment by Jared T — January 19, 2010 @ 4:50 pm

  4. Didn’t I beat you by, oh, 20 minutes in reporting on the Church History Library dedication, Jared?

    I mention that because it’s my one whisker of a chance at rivaling you. In the other 38 instances, I joined the host of those who surrendered the field to your persistence, mobility, and scholarship.

    Congratulations on a fine corpus, JI, and especially Jared. These reports are a lasting contribution to the bloggernacle and to anyone who is brought here by research in the future.

    Comment by Ardis Parshall — January 19, 2010 @ 7:35 pm

  5. Ardis, I don’t remember, but I did say “often…more quickly”. 🙂

    Thank you, I’m glad these reports have been useful.

    Comment by Jared T — January 19, 2010 @ 7:43 pm

  6. Thanks for these summary posts, Jared. And thanks for taking all those notes, too.

    Comment by Edje Jeter — January 20, 2010 @ 3:07 am

  7. Thanks, Ed.

    Comment by Jared T — January 20, 2010 @ 11:33 am


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