Mormon Horns 5-7/7: Civil War, Isms, and Miscellanea

By February 6, 2010

In conclusion: Mormon horns have piles of company and most of the folks keeping the idea were (probably still are) Mormon themselves.

  1. A Selected Chronology
  2. Meanings of ?X has horns?
  3. What Makes Horns Stick?
  4. If Mormons Wanted to Shake Things Up They Should Have Grown Wings
  5. The American Civil War
  6. Colonialism and Functionalism
  7. Miscellanea

Now, having slogged through all the academica, we finally arrive at the important question: Do Mormon doctrines of agency extend to horns? Can one choose or create their own  style? Are choices limited? to Old-Testament “clean” beasts? to terrestrials? And so on.

Article filed under Miscellaneous


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