Call For Papers–July 28, 2012, Conference on the History of Mormonism in Latin America and the US-Mexico Borderlands

By August 16, 2011

Call for Papers

The History of Mormonism in Latin America and the U. S.-Mexico Borderlands

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a conference on the history of Mormonism in Latin America and the U.S. Mexico Borderlands to be held in El Paso, Texas on July 28, 2012 in conjunction with a 100th Anniversary Commemoration of the ?Exodus? of settlers from the Mormon Colonies in northern Mexico to the United States.

Date & Time

July 28, 2012
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


The El Paso Public Library
501 North Oregon Street, El Paso, TX


We welcome paper and panel proposals relating to the conference theme and, broadly, to the following themes:

-Mormonism and the experience of Latino peoples in the United States
-Mormonism and immigration/migration issues
-Mormonism and indigenous peoples
-Mormonism in the American West
-Mormonism in world-wide frontier and borderlands regions

We encourage interdisciplinary and transnational approaches as well as submissions from a range of disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, religious studies, etc. Interpretive approaches and papers that place Mormonism within broader perspectives are preferred.

Individual paper proposals should include the presenter?s contact information, an abstract of about 200 words, and a one page c.v. Panel proposals should include three individual paper proposals and a lead paragraph describing the panel?s scope and purpose. Panel proposals should also designate one presenter as the contact person. All proposals should indicate any audio/visual needs. Papers should be approximately 20 minutes in duration and may be in English or Spanish.

Please send panel or paper proposals to

The deadline for submission is November 15, 2011. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by December 1.


Double Tree by Hilton
600 N. El Paso Street
El Paso, Texas 79901

We are in the process of securing a limited number of rooms at the Double Tree Hilton in downtown El Paso just across the street from the El Paso Public Library at a special conference rate. The Double Tree features a number of amenities including a free shuttle from the El Paso Airport, complimentary high speed internet, fitness center, rooftop pool, etc. Please check the “Conference” tab on for updates about pricing and availability along with other updates and information about the conference.

Also, consult the ?Commemoration? tab at for updates and information about the July 28, 2012 evening commemoration program which will take place at the nearby El Paso Union Depot, the train station at which the Mormon colonists disembarked after their journey by train out of the Mexican Colonies. The Commemoration event will focus on the 1912 Mormon Exodus and feature historical presentations, remarks by city officials and local dignitaries, refreshments, and more.

To be placed on a mailing list for updates, please send an email entitled ?Updates? to

Finally, please feel free to use this page,, as a forum for discussing the conference, organizing panels, and general networking on Mormonism in Latin America, etc.


Article filed under Announcements and Events International Mormonism Race


  1. Looks great, Jared. I’m excited to see all of these conferences focusing on international Mormonism.

    Comment by Christopher — August 17, 2011 @ 8:12 am

  2. Thanks, Chris. I hope we’ll have robust participation. I just want to also point out that Keith Erekson, director of the Center for History Teaching and Learning was kind enough to host web space for the conference and has just made some helpful changes to the site. Check it out again:

    Comment by Jared T — August 19, 2011 @ 9:57 pm


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