From Patrick Mason:
At the January 2012 meeting of the American Society for Church History, I’ll be on a panel called “Teaching Mormonism in a Digital Age.” In my comments I’ll be considering the impact of the “bloggernacle” on Mormon studies, specifically in regard to the current generation of graduate students. I have designed the following questionnaire to get a better handle on why people read Mormon blogs and what they get out of them. The questionnaire is for any graduate student, full or part time, LDS or non-LDS, in any academic field. The informed consent form on the first page will explain more, or you can contact me at with any questions. Thanks for participating.
The link to survey is found here.
Thanks for the heads up, Ben. I’m interested in hearing what Patrick finds.
Comment by Christopher — November 29, 2011 @ 12:45 pm
Thanks to all those who participated. I received well over 100 responses, which far exceeded my expectations. I look forward to making sense of the responses and then presenting my findings at the ASCH.
Comment by Patrick Mason — December 13, 2011 @ 6:30 pm