Conference Reminder: “Women and the LDS Church: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Conference”

By August 11, 2012

We’ve advertised this before, but it’s important enough to advertise it again since the dates are approaching. Besides be co-organized by one of our own JIers (Matt B), we’ll have several contributors in attendance who will provide updates and recaps.

Note there are two events, although closely related.

The Tanner Humanities Center is proud to present
the Sterling M. McMurrin Lecture Series on Religion and Culture

Please join us for a lecture by 
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

“Remember Me:

The Inscription of the Self

in Nineteenth-Century


?When I am dead and in my grave/ And all my bones are rotten/ When this you see remember me/ That I won?t be forgotten.?   This curious verse inscribed in schoolbooks, embroidered on samplers, or chiseled onto gravestones over centuries reflects a widespread human impulse to transcend death by leaving behind some sort of evidence of their existence. Some people left letters, diaries, and formal autobiographies.  Others memorialized themselves and their loved ones with locks of hair, scribbled verse, or chalk marks on a closet door. This lecture will explore the many ways early Latter-day Saints used “life-writings” and physical mementos to mark the passage of time, link themselves to friends and family, and beg to be remembered. It will look at how institutional priorities, public controversies, and family circumstances shaped their production and preservation, and will consider the implications of these practices for the place of women in their communities (then and now).

Dr. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich is currently Phillips Professor of Early American History and 300th Anniversary University Professor at Harvard University.  She is the author of Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History (Vintage, 2008). Her book A Midwife?s Tale won the Pulitzer Prize in History, among other awards. Ulrich received her B.A. from the University of Utah, her M.A. from Simmons College, and her Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire. Ulrich is the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship and the author of numerous articles and essays.

Friday, August 24, 2012

7:00 PM

 Salt Lake City Main Library
Nancy Tessman Auditorium
210 E 400 South, Salt Lake City

 Click here for map

This event is free and open to the public.

No tickets are required, but please arrive early for seating.

Please call 801.581.7989 for additional information.



Women and the LDS Church:

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Conference

August 24 – 25, 2012

Fort Douglas, Officer’s Club Theater
150 S. Fort Douglas Blvd
University of Utah

 Click here for map

FREE TO THE PUBLIC – No registration required.

Please join us for the ?Women and the LDS Church? conference, August 24 – 25, 2012, co-directed by Kate Holbrook, Specialist in Women?s History in the LDS Church History Department and the 2010-2011 Eccles Mormon Studies Fellow, and Matt Bowman, Professor of History at Hampden Sydney College and alumnus of the University of Utah.

The Sterling M. McMurrin Lecture on Religion and Culture, given by Dr. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, on Friday, August 24 will serve as the plenary address for the conference. On August 25, 2012, please join us for four roundtable panels:


Latter-day Saint Women and Agency:
A Historical Perspective

9:00 – 10:30 AM

Susanna Morrill, Quincy Newell,

Kate Holbrook, and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Women?s Agency in the Contemporary
LDS Church: Analytical Perspectives

 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM

David Campbell, Mary Farrell Bednarowski,

Jennifer Finlayson-Fife, and Aimee Evans Hickman

Women?s Agency in the Contemporary
LDS Church: Popular Perspectives

1:30 – 3:00 PM

Neylan McBaine, Jana Riess,

Jane Hafen, and Claudia Bushman

Latter-day Saint Women
Outside the United States

3:15 – 4:45 PM

Mariama Kallon, Matt Heiss,

Carine Decoo-Vanwelkenhuysen and Anita Sthalasayee



Women and the LDS Church Conference Sponsors 

Tanner Humanities Center, University of Utah

Utah Valley University

LDS Church History Department

Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, Brigham Young University

Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Brigham Young University

Women’s Studies ProgramBrigham Young University

American West Center, The University of Utah

Program in Religious Studies, Utah State University

Center for Women & Gender, Utah State University

Article filed under Miscellaneous


  1. This looks really great, especially Ulrich’s presentation. Sorry I’ll be missing it.

    Comment by David G. — August 11, 2012 @ 6:54 pm

  2. Will try to make it to the Saturday afternoon sessions. Looks like a great conference!

    Comment by Nate R. — August 11, 2012 @ 9:29 pm

  3. Yeah…will be missing out. Looks great.

    Comment by Ryan T. — August 11, 2012 @ 11:56 pm

  4. so excited for this! Awesome line-up

    Comment by Rachael — August 20, 2012 @ 2:16 pm

  5. […] few weeks ago, I went to a conference on Mormon women held at the University of Utah.  The room was filled with elderly feminists who had advocated for a more liberal Mormon view of […]

    Pingback by Juvenile Instructor » Rape and Marriage in Mormon History — September 10, 2012 @ 9:56 am


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