Robin Jensen and Brian Hauglid
Friday, January 11, 2019, 3:00 pm
Gordon B. Hinckley Alumni & Visitors Center, Brigham Young University
Some of the most puzzling documents left in the wake of Joseph Smith’s prophetic career pertain tot he Book of Abraham–from the ancient papyrus to the nineteenth-century notebooks. For over a century these documents were specially housed away from public view. In 2018 the Joseph Smith Papers Project team published the documents in Revelations and Translations, vol. 4.
Robin Scott Jensen and Brian M. Hauglid co-edited the landmark volume. In the process, they learned more about the origins and uses of the cryptic Egyptian papers which Joseph Smith and his associates worked on beginning in the mid 1830s. Jensen and Hauglid will discuss what they learned to shed more light on Joseph Smith’s processes of translation in this lecture.
Perhaps Hauglid will explain his recent Facebook announcement in terms that aren’t quite so “apocalyptic”. Will there be a Q & A
Comment by Terry H — January 4, 2019 @ 5:39 pm
Both Hauglid and Jensen’s talks were well done. Hauglid first walked through the artifacts that essentially killed the long scroll theory, the missing fragment thory, or the notion that JS didn’t claim that Abraham’s own hand writings were on the papyrus. Robin then took to to venture what possibly might have been going on inside JS’s head.
Comment by VFanRJ — January 18, 2019 @ 11:22 am