Thanks to friend-of-JI Katherine Pollock for sending this to us!
Call for Submissions: Restoration Studies Journal

Restoration Studies is now an annual publication combined with the Fall/Winter John Whitmer Historical Association Journal. The journal publishes individual theological reflections, the religious thought of historical figures and movements, exegesis, and other works of cultural studies about the Latter Day Saint Movement.
Submissions for the 2021 Issue are open now until May 1, 2021.
Questions or Submissions: Editor, Katherine Hill –
JWHA Publication Information:
Some Past Articles (Find Past JWHA Issues Online):
Brasich, Adam. “Saints at the Crossroads: Richard Price, Edgar Bundy, and Ecumenism in Cold War America.” JWHA Journal 37, no 2 (2017): 147-174.
Adam Brasich demonstrates how Richard Price incorporated Edgar Bundy’s accusations of communist influence in the ecumenicist movement into his attacks on the RLDS church and his founding of the Restorationist movement.
Bryant, Seth. “Justice, Peace, and God’s Nature.” JWHA Journal 36, no 2 (2016): 149-155.
Seth Bryant uses his marine chaplain experience to abjure violence and destruction in war and in societal relationships.
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