As millions of us throughout the world move into voluntary isolation to avoid spreading COVID-19 I thought it would be nice to recommend a few podcast episodes to download to pass the time. Please add your own in the comments!
An excerpt from an interview with our own Benjamin Park, Assistant Professor of History at Sam Houston State University, whose book on politics and polygamy in Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo is soon to be published with Liveright/Norton. Park received his PhD in History from Cambridge University in 2014. He is also co-editor of the Mormon Studies Review. For the full interview, head over to Kurt Manwaring’s site, From the Desk.
What surprised you during your research for Kingdom of Nauvoo?
68th Annual Utah State Historical Society Conference
September 25, 2020
The Utah State Historical Society invites you to attend its 68th annual conference on September 25, 2020.
In 1920, with the passage of the nineteenth amendment, women throughout the United States won the right to vote. In recognition of that event, the 2020 conference will focus on the question of rights and responsibilityin Utah history. Those who have sought legal, political, and social equality have often had to disentangle ideologies, legal doctrines, and established opinion. The push for women’s suffrage is a prime example of this process.
Other topics to be addressed may include women’s rights, Native voting rights, religious and secular liberty, disability rights, LGBTQ rights, questions of family law, desegregation, free speech, property rights, equal access to education, conscientious objection, and protection of labor. The conference promises to present other interpretations of rights and responsibility, as they pertain to Utah history, to encourage a broad understanding of the topic.
Nestled in the
charming hills of northeastern Ohio, this “House of the Lord” stands
as a vivid reminder that Kirtland was once home to some of the 19th century’s
most successful community builders. Inspired by the beliefs and practices of
the earliest Christians, followers of Joseph Smith Jr. gathered in Kirtland and
built their first temple between 1833 and 1836. The Kirtland Temple stood at
the center of community life for more than 2,000 believers by 1838. Within a
year, all but 100 were gone. The Kirtland Temple is a National Historic
Consider an internship at Kirtland Temple, for a rewarding
and fun experience where you will:
The Joseph Smith
Historic Site preserves the properties and memories of Joseph Smith Jr.,
founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, his father, Joseph Smith Sr., and
son, Joseph Smith III. The site houses many original structures from the 1840s,
as well as the Smith Family Cemetery, final resting place of Joseph and Emma
Smith, Hyrum Smith, Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith, and numerous other family
members and friends. The Joseph Smith Historic Site is part of the Nauvoo
National Historic Landmark District.
Consider an
internship in Nauvoo, Illinois, at the Joseph Smith Historic Site, for a
rewarding and fun experience where you will:
The Mormon History Association (MHA) is accepting submissions for a poster session, to be held in the Riverside Convention Center Exhibit Hall during the 55th annual conference in Rochester/Palmyra, New York, June 4-7, 2020. We welcome proposals that address the conference theme, “Visions, Restoration, and Movements,” but all proposals will receive equal consideration. Please visit to view the conference call for papers. This poster session offers participants the opportunity to discuss and answer questions about their work in a relatively informal, interactive setting. This format is particularly useful for works-in-progress and for projects with visual and material evidence. Presenters must be MHA members, register for and attend the meeting, and be available for a two-hour poster viewing session and reception during the conference, date and time TBD. MHA will waive the conference registration fee for all student poster presenters.
The submission deadline for poster proposals is February 1, 2020. Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent March 1, 2020. Proposals will be evaluated on the persuasiveness of the abstract and the project’s connection to major questions and issues in Mormon history and the conference themes. MHA allows a maximum of four presenters per poster. All posters must be 36 inches x 48 inches. We will provide cardboard, binder clips, and easels for those who request them. Presenters are responsible for all other materials, including the printed poster itself. Accepted posters will be on display for the entirety of the conference. Please send your proposal to Contact program co-chairs Anne Berryhill or Joseph Stuart at this email address if you have any questions.
In a single PDF file, please include the following information for each presenter: -Name -Title/Position -Affiliation (if applicable) -Email -Phone Number -Bio (no more than 100 words) In the same PDF file, also include: -Poster Title -Poster Abstract: In no more than 200 words, describe the project that the poster will focus on and how you plan to present the project. Outline the research topic, themes, or questions, and the design and materials of your study. Explain and justify the proposed poster components (e.g. text, images, other graphics, tables etc.). Briefly anticipate the results or conclusion.
The Mormon Studies Initiative at the University of Utah is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Graduate Research Fellowship in Mormon Studies at the Tanner Humanities Center for the 2020-2021 academic year. Applications are due 2 March 2020. Application material can be found at this link:
The first of its kind in the nation, the Tanner Humanities Center’s Mormon Studies fellowship provides a doctoral student funds to spend a year researching the history, beliefs, and culture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members, or any religious group that traces its roots to Joseph Smith Jr. This fellowship is open to all dissertation level students of the Mormon Experience from any university in the United States or from around the world. Areas of focus include, but are not limited to: Theology, History, Sociology, Economics, Literature, Philosophy, and Political Science.
In Nauvoo, Joseph Smith revealed a new temple liturgy and cosmology that incorporated the idea of sealing people together into a durable and eternal network of heaven. There were a lot of loose ends in the practical reality of sealing practice when he was killed. The Quorum of the Twelve instituted the practice of “adoption” (also sometimes referred to as the “law of adoption”)—sealing men and women to people other than their biological parents—when the temple opened for use by the Saints. This practice endured until 1894, when the church president Wilford Woodruff received a revelation mostly ending the practice. [n1]
The Woman’s Exponent Project is a collaborative digital humanities and public history project between the University of Utah and BYU that explores the content of the Woman’s Exponent (1872-1914) that captures the fascinating, complex, and even contradictory history of suffrage in Utah. The Woman’s Exponent Project aligns with a unique moment in time, as Utahns prepare to celebrate the 150th anniversary of a Utah woman casting the first female ballot in the nation in 1870, a full 50 years before the 19th Amendment guaranteed universal women’s suffrage in America.
I didn’t know what Mormon Studies was in December 2009. Sure,
I had just taken a course on American Christianity at BYU, but it hadn’t caused
me to think much about the academic study of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints or any of the other branches that connect to Joseph Smith’s
religious ideas. Now, a decade later, it strikes me that the field has risen
considerably in the eyes of the academy and in the estimation of non-academic
Latter-day Saints.
I believe the strength of Mormon Studies publications and the venues in which they appear is one of the most important developments of the past ten years. We’ve passed the point where a press will take on a Mormon Studies project just for book sales. Books on Mormonism are now published regularly by university press catalogues, and not just traditional Mormon Studies powerhouses like the University of Illinois Press, the University of Utah Press, or the University of North Carolina Press, but with Harvard University Press, Liveright/Norton, Oxford University Press, University of Nebraska Press, and the University of Chicago Press.
Steve Fleming on Study and Faith, 5:: “The burden of proof is on the claim of there BEING Nephites. From a scholarly point of view, the burden of proof is on the…”
Eric on Study and Faith, 5:: “But that's not what I was saying about the nature of evidence of an unknown civilization. I am talking about linguistics, not ruins. …”
Steve Fleming on Study and Faith, 5:: “Large civilizations leave behind evidence of their existence. For instance, I just read that scholars estimate the kingdom of Judah to have been around 110,000…”
Eric on Study and Faith, 5:: “I have always understood the key to issues with Nephite archeology to be language. Besides the fact that there is vastly more to Mesoamerican…”
Steven Borup on In Memoriam: James B.: “Bro Allen was the lead coordinator in 1980 for the BYU Washington, DC Seminar and added valuable insights into American history as we also toured…”
David G. on In Memoriam: James B.: “Jim was a legend who impacted so many through his scholarship and kind mentoring. He'll be missed.”
Recent Comments
Steve Fleming on Study and Faith, 5:: “The burden of proof is on the claim of there BEING Nephites. From a scholarly point of view, the burden of proof is on the…”
Eric on Study and Faith, 5:: “But that's not what I was saying about the nature of evidence of an unknown civilization. I am talking about linguistics, not ruins. …”
Steve Fleming on Study and Faith, 5:: “Large civilizations leave behind evidence of their existence. For instance, I just read that scholars estimate the kingdom of Judah to have been around 110,000…”
Eric on Study and Faith, 5:: “I have always understood the key to issues with Nephite archeology to be language. Besides the fact that there is vastly more to Mesoamerican…”
Steven Borup on In Memoriam: James B.: “Bro Allen was the lead coordinator in 1980 for the BYU Washington, DC Seminar and added valuable insights into American history as we also toured…”
David G. on In Memoriam: James B.: “Jim was a legend who impacted so many through his scholarship and kind mentoring. He'll be missed.”