“This prison . . . . of a crooked, broken, scattered, and imperfect language”
Throughout Mormonism’s scriptural canon, individuals struggle with what Joseph Smith lamented was “this prison. . . . of a crooked, broken, scattered, and imperfect language.” Contemporary scholars, too, struggle with “imperfect language,” hemmed in by disciplinary boundaries, language barriers in sources and publication outlets, and a mismatch between terms and definitions native to academic study and religious movements. Many diverse voices remain largely absent from global Mormon studies.
Suggested paper topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Cultural constraints
- History of translation
- Negotiations between ‘human’ and ‘divine’ influences
- Marginalised voices in global Mormon history
Important dates
- 24 February 2023 Paper submission deadline
- 15 March 2023 Acceptance notification; conference registration for presenters begins
- 1 April 2023 Conference registration for presenters ends
- 2-3 June 2023 Conference date
- Submit to globalmormonstudies@gmail.com

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