The Mormon History Association is conducting a search for editor of the Journal of Mormon History. The editor of the journal determines the content, solicits submissions, oversees peer review, works with submitting authors in performing substantive and stylistic content editing, and coordinates with a JMH production staff and the University of Illinois Press to ensure that issues of the journal are published according to deadline and within budget. The editor has full editorial control of the journal but reports to the MHA board of directors in maintaining a high-quality product that serves as the flagship publication for the organization. The Mormon History Association is particularly interested in candidates with an academic institutional affiliation but will consider submissions by all qualified applicants.

The person chosen to be the editor will be appointed to a four-year term beginning in January 2020, renewable at the discretion of the MHA board of directors.
Interested individuals should submit an application consisting of a cover letter with a statement of qualifications, philosophy/vision for JMH, a CV or resume, two letters of recommendation (sent separately so as to preserve confidentiality), and a writing or editing sample. Applications should be submitted electronically to Alex Baugh, chair of the search committee, at Questions regarding the process may similarly be sent to Alex Baugh. The deadline for applications, including the receipt of letters of recommendation, is May 3, 2019.
For particulars regarding the editor’s job, desired qualifications, compensation, and application instructions, prospective candidates should consult this page.
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