Career Opportunity
Company Director, Signature Books Publishing LLC
Signature Books was founded in 1981 to promote the study of the Mormon community at its intersection with American history. Over the years Signature has created a unique literary repertoire–publishing biographies, documentary histories, personal essays, poetry, regional history, fiction, humor, etc. Signature is committed to expanding the scope of Mormon studies, broadly defined, and to enhancing opportunities for creative and scholarly expression. Signature champions works that are honest, thoughtful, and grounded in the best critical thinking; that emphasize human experience and intellect; that advocate civil discourse; that engage and challenge; and that encourage new ways of approaching the past, present, and future.

The Company Director will:
Advocate for the Signature Books mission.
Exercise discretion, judgment, and decision-making in fulfilling Signature’s mission.
Report to the officers/directors of Signature Books.
Determine and manage Signature’s annual budgets.
Supervise Signature’s acquisitions policy; determine publication schedules.
Provide leadership and direction to Signature’s staff and departments; determine employment
needs and compensation; conduct annual performance/merit reviews.
Function as Signature’s de facto publisher; be responsible for managing Signature’s operations
and for safeguarding the integrity of Signature’s reputation.
Manage Signature’s Editorial Department, including maintaining professional editing standards;
set and manage schedules and deadlines.
Ensure that Signature’s publications meet high scholarly and production standards.
Preferred qualifications for this position:
A Ph.D. in history or related field; or the equivalent professional degree.
A demonstrated interest and involvement in Mormon history, studies, letters, arts, and/or
Western American history.
A record of peer-reviewed publication in scholarly Mormon studies.
Demonstrated management skills, including at least three years in supervising a small staff or the equivalent.
Basic financial skills (can balance accounts and coordinate with outside accountants and financial/investment advisors).
Computer literacy and comfortable using basic applications (Word/WordPerfect, etc.)
Strong writing, research, and communication skills; fluency with basic American English
grammar and usage; working familiarity with the Chicago Manual of Style.
Ability to adhere to rigorous schedules and produce high quality work, exhibiting attention to
detail, efficiency, flexibility, and the ability to foster an environment encouraging initiative and collaboration.
Demonstrated experience in partnering successfully with universities and other scholarly
Previous editing and/or publishing experience.
Duties of managing the daily office affairs of Signature Publishing, include:
Oversee administrative departments, with particular attention to editing and acquisitions;
Coordinate interdepartmental schedules and activities;
Review and approve annual departmental budgets;
Review monthly financial reports;
Approve purchases/sign checks;
Organize and preside at regular staff meetings;
Conduct year-end employee performance/merit interviews;
Represent Signature to the public;
Attend annual conferences (such as the Mormon History Association, the John Whitmer
Historical Association, Sunstone, etc.)
And other responsibilities necessary to the management of Signature Books Publishing LLC.
Salary: Negotiable
Benefits: Full benefits package
Opening Date: September 15, 2021
Closing Date: October 15, 2021
Background Check: Must successfully pass
Location: 508-514 West 400 North, Salt Lake City, Utah (Residency Required)
Applications should be submitted to and include the
A cover letter expressing your interest in and qualifications for the position.
A current CV.
Your current research interests.
Evidence of administrative/managerial effectiveness/communication skills/knowledge of the
publishing industry.
The names and contact information of three referees/references.
Wordperfect? I guess they are serious about antiquities. 🤣
Comment by Scott Dixon Hall — September 18, 2021 @ 5:37 pm
Sorry, none of you know me. Recently got my PhD from WashU St. Louis but am not an Americanist nor do any of my interests lie more recently than the 17th century, so don’t work in any area of Mormon Studies. Still, after my defense I came up for air and stumbled across this site, which I’m now perusing for M-studies reading lists because I need to get myself at least a bit up to speed. Therefore, while I can’t make any worthwhile contributions to the real discussions here, I can respond to this one: Wordperfect is still a viable software product. It continues to be maintained and sold by Corel and continues to be a better word processor than M$’s monopoly-powered, overcoded piece of, er, crud. And painful as it is to acknowledge by an open-source fan like myself, WordPerfect also continues to be better than the open-source office suites which unfortunately have modeled themselves on Word. I really want to go open-source but WordPerfect is still sufficiently superior that I keep paying for it.
Comment by Lurker — October 6, 2021 @ 3:41 am